quarta-feira, dezembro 29, 2004

Podia ser ave, e a fuga para o sonho seria o agora.
Do sentir empurro-me para uma nova manhã.
Nela o sol toca o mar
...e eu plano por aí.

terça-feira, dezembro 28, 2004

Say no more!

if I've been with you for a fairly long time
may I call you, may I call you, may I call you mine
and you, unknown, have been with me
may it always, may it always, may it always be

please don't leave my side, remember I love you
none of what I have done wrong was really done against you
if you love me and I'm weak, then weaker you must love me more
to re-enforce what's also strong and all the love we have in store

by example you show me that living's alright
stay here with me, stay here with me, stay with me tonight
and come with me when I go into the bedroom
and we'll play bride, and we'll play bride
and we'll play bride and groom

you had not been born you know
what would I, what would I be then
I would not have had strength to grow
and be counted, and be counted among men

please don't leave my side, remember I love you
none of what I have done wrong was really done against you
if you love me and I'm weak, then weaker you must love me more
to re-enforce what's also strong and all the love we have in store

in the morning we'll wrestle and ruin our stomachs with coffee
won't we be, won't we be, won't be happy
and we will rise in anger, love and ardor
shining, shining, shimmering in love's armour


"Every time I hear Mr. Oldham's albums I want to leave it all behind and start a new life, being like him. I don't know if it's good or bad, but his music touches my heart and makes me believe in music. "

Desenho-me numa linha curva e corro para o infinito.
Na volúpia do arco, deixo-me adormeçer pelo desconhecido.
E a voz do vazio aqueçe-me, trazendo imagens de dias de onde o sol brilhava.
Agora, quando inspiro, parece-me que só o verbo conheceu vida.
"A música tem esse dois lados: o de unir muito as pessoas e o de fortalecer a solidão"
dizia o Arto Lindsay ao Blitz, em Abril deste ano.
Sabendo que não o é, sinto esta máxima como uma verdade absoluta.

quinta-feira, dezembro 23, 2004

Para mim, o Natal é apenas uma boa desculpa para estar com aqueles de quem mais gosto.

segunda-feira, dezembro 20, 2004

"Long afloat on shipless oceans
I did all my best to smile..."

.. now I can only wait for the tide to throw me on the shore.

terça-feira, dezembro 14, 2004

A luz trilha um caminho limpo
Dele nascerá a verdade
que a matéria teima em lançar no caos.

Num turilhão desenfreado
procura um porto seguro
onde o calor a guarde.

Ah! os grilhões da rotina... aqueles que asfixiam a brisa que toca o rosto.
Num pulsar lento, o último fôlego chega com os primeiros raios de dia.